Mexico City

As we suspected, neither one of us slept very well on the flight to Mexico City which arrived at 5:45am. When we arrived at the airport, our friend Pepe picked us up and took us to a grocery store and to our apartment to get settled in. After that we had a good nap. I was then able to get a hold of everyone by phone and confirm our meetings.

Cuajimalpa, Mexico
Sunday, March 19

            Lady with cane                           Tracy, Kids, Todd & Jennifer                    Oscar

Sunday morning we ministered in a Brethren church pastored by Todd and Tracy Ruggles. The service started at 10am. Todd picked us up and we arrived a little bit early. We really enjoyed the worship. They actually sang songs that we knew (but they sang them in Spanish of course) and that helped us to enter in. I started preaching about 11:00am and at about 11:45am we started praying for people. God did wonderful things and we left the church at 3:45pm (church just goes on and on when miracles start happening).

Some of the miracles we saw:

Older woman with a cane and lots of pain in her body - God took away all her pain and she left swinging the cane in the air (woman in the left picture above).

Woman with breast cancer and much pain - all the pain left, tumor shrunk to 50% of the size it was when we started praying. (We believe God will finish this one)

Lots of people with pain healed - backs, necks, heads, knees, hips, legs

A women with ringing in an ear left - ringing stopped and she felt great peace.

A young man named Oscar who was born with paralysis of the left side - God adjusted his back and grew out his short leg 2 inches, gave him a shoulder adjustment, healed the curvature of his spine and he was able to walk normal for the first time in his life (young man in the right picture above). 

After we left the church the pastors took us out for lunch then we went and spent some time with them in their home. It was a great time of fellowship and getting to know their hearts. Todd took us back to our apartment at around 8:45pm.

Mexico City
Monday, March 20


We had the wonderful privilege of being able to spend some time with Oscar Baez, his wife Evelyn, and and their son Levi. Oscar helps run a ministry to the homeless and also works for a Christian publishing company. We plan to work with Oscar in our future visits to Mexico City.

Wow! It is difficult to describe what all God is doing. We have been so blessed to see God touching people. On Monday night we ministered in a home with about 50 people present. The home was very large but it was still quite crowded. We arrived at 7:15pm and the meeting began at 7:30pm. They had white stackable chairs everywhere and it was difficult to move around much. Many of the people that were there were also there last year when I came to this meeting. There were also some new faces.

The worship team was all very young people. The worship leader was a 14 year old young girl that also played the guitar. They did a wonderful job of leading us in worship.

I shared on seeing the unseen and they really embraced the message. At the end of the message we stacked the chairs and I had them form a circle and join hands. While the worship team sang, “Open the Eyes of my Heart”, Mikki and I walked around the inside of the circle and anointed them with oil. What happened next is very hard to describe. God began doing things all over the room and we could not keep up with what He was doing. Many of the people began to have words of knowledge about healing and other things and praying for those who responded to the words of knowledge. As Mikki and I continued to minister to various people, I could not help rejoicing at all the things that were happening that we didn't have anything to do with. It was the body of Christ in action, releasing the gifts of the Holy Spirit and it was wonderful.

There were a number of physical healings that took place. A older woman with hurting feet was totally healed and I wish you could have seen the smile on her face. A younger woman with a sinus infection that would drain into her ears and throat was healed. Many others took place that we were not a part of.

The thrust seemed to be on inner healing. Many people with broken hearts had their joy restored to them. Many with unforgiveness and even anger with God were set free. A man with a spirit of alcohol was delivered and I believe God touched his liver and brought healing to it. You should have seen the change in his countenance.

It was an evening of the breaking of limitations over people's lives. Many with dreams that had died experienced a resurrection of those dreams. I have never felt such an activation and release of the prophetic in all my life. I talked with Mikki when we got home and she said she had never experienced the prophetic so quickly while praying for people. Many times the prophetic would begin to stir before we even started praying for people. I prayed for a couple that were pastors and as I was prophesying over them they started laughing and could not stop. I believe God really encouraged them and for that we are so grateful.


Our Friend Pepe                                                                                                                   Our Friend Deyanira

We left the meeting at 1:15am and arrived back at our apartment at 1:30am. So both meetings we have had so far have lasted 5 ½ hours each. But amazingly we were invigorated afterwards.

Texcoco, Mexico
Wednesday, March 22

Wednesday we were picked up in Mexico City by Pastor Manuel Leal and his wife, Claudia, and were brought to the city of Texcoco.

Texcoco is a much smaller city of only about 200,000 people, approximately 45 minutes outside of Mexico City. As we were driving, it was a great opportunity to get caught up with Pastor Manuel and Claudia about how their church was doing and the state of their community as a whole.

After getting settled into our hotel we all shared a meal together and then went our separate ways for a few hours to prepare for the Wednesday night meeting at the church.

We are so blessed as we return to minister in Mexico (a return trip for Dave, a first trip for Mikki to Mexico City and Texcoco). We love the people, the culture and seeing God move as He touches lives through the miracles of salvation, healings, deliverance, prophetic words and other blessings.


Pastors Manuel & Claudia              Pastor Manuel Interpreting for me     Manantial de Avivamiento Church

Dave ministered a word about “Renewing Your Mind” and coming into agreement with the word of God and then the opportunity to pray for people brought the small group of about 75 people all to the front to receive a touch from God.

God is so good. God is so faithful. Here are some of the things that happened at the Wednesday night meeting:

An elderly woman, new with the church, had spina bifida and was in great pain when she came to the church. After the first prayer she felt much better, “Only hurts a little bit!”, she said. Prayed again, ”There's no pain!” she said as she kept bending over again and again.

Many prophetic words were given over key leaders in the church and over married couples. All were very encouraged and touched by God.

A man born with genetically malformed hip sockets and ball joints came for prayer. He also had uneven legs, (one was about 1 ½ inches shorter than the other), a curvature in his spine causing his arms to appear uneven by about an inch or so as well. First his legs were made the same length, then the curvature disappeared from his back and his arms were made even length. The pain in his back went away. He said that he felt lots of heat and tingling in his body and hip sockets. His limp was drastically reduced and all pain was gone! He will be sharing his testimony on Sunday morning!

A woman affiliated with the Jehovah's Witness church came for the first time to the church. She has lost her teenage daughter to leukemia 3 years ago and was still struggling with sorrow, anger and other issues. After prayer she was deeply touched by God and wanted to talk to Claudia (the pastor's wife) about what she could do to be saved.

Another woman, also the first time to the church, had just lost her newborn baby 15 days previous and her husband then also left her after the baby died. She was devastated when she came, also not yet a Christian, but she also asked how to be saved before she left that night.

We prayed for a young woman with long term extreme inflammation and pain in her lower abdomen and in ovaries, as well as in her back. Checking alignment in her arms and legs showed unevenness in both. God healed her back completely, bringing it into perfect alignment, with all pain leaving instantly. Prayed for her abdomen and the pain in her ovaries also left instantly.

Texcoco, Mexico
Friday, March 24


We were asked to minister at the university in Texcoco on Friday night. There were about 80 students and the preaching didn't start till after 9pm (sounds like college kids doesn't it). Dave shared about the need to be "hungry for God and the things of God". It was very fun and God did many wonderful things. We didn't know this meeting was even happening till about 4pm in the afternoon. That God.....He is full of surprises!

Texcoco, Mexico
Saturday, March 25

We had the privilege of ministering to the youth of the church here in Texcoco on Saturday night. The youth in this church have rented a building downtown (with their own money). The pastor says he does not know how they do it. But they wanted to have a place to meet right in the middle of downtown. We were really looking forward to this time with the youth. I have been in contact with 2 of them by email since I was here in August. They are very, very passionate for God. Many have been saved from lives of drugs and other things.

We are taking as many pictures as we can to be able to share with you our time here. However, when the prayer and ministry times start, we do not think much about taking pictures. It has been very good to spend time with Pastors Manuel and Claudia Leal. God has knit our hearts together with them in a special way. We have spent almost all of our free time here in Texcoco with them.

Texcoco, Mexico
Sunday, March 26



We had a wonderful time ministering in the Texcoco church on Sunday morning. God began to do miracles faster than we could keep up with. It was so exciting to hear the testimonies of all the people that experienced God's healing touch. 








As Pastor Manuel and I worked together it became easier. He is an excellent interpreter and we had a lot of fun working together. Sometimes I would begin to preach in Spanish and he would then interpret it into English. Everyone thought it was pretty funny.







5yr old boy with 1 short leg (left) that also had paralysis and severe back pain. He limped and had to drag his foot when he walked. God straightened and lengthened the lame leg, took all the pain from his back and he was able to walk normally with no pain anywhere in his body.




10yr old girl (in pictures above) had broken her ankle several years ago and was now “pidgeon-toed”. God healed her leg and foot. While we were praying she said she felt warm hands that felt like they were spreading lotion on her legs and ankle and “fixing her bones”. She also felt lots of tingling across her forehead. God totally healed her feet and she could run and walk with her feet straight in front of her again.


12yr old girl with a growth problem came for prayer. She was only about 36” tall and had signs of problems with the pituitary gland. She asked if God could please help her to grow normally like the other kids. She was very shy, wouldn't look up while she was talking and whispered her request. God touched her during prayer and she said she felt very hot and tingly all over, but especially in her legs. The Lord also had a special prophetic word for her about loving her and having a very special destiny, like a special gift just for her. After prayer she looked radiant, smiling and went to tell her mama! A complete change from the little girl that first walked up!

A woman came up for prayer for mysterious pain that had plagued her for years and for deep depression. Worry and frown lines were deep in her face and she was almost lethargic when she came up for prayer. Through a word of knowledge, she was delivered from a spirit of witchcraft and all the pain and depression left instantly! She looked like a totally different woman immediately after prayer! Her face and body language were like those of another woman - filled with peace and joy. She went straight to her pastor to tell him what the Lord had done for her!

Ramon, one of the elders in the church, had extreme pain in his left knee and headaches. His wife shared that often his knee would cause such pain that it would cause him to wake up at night crying and he would be unable to go back to sleep. In checking his arms and legs, it appeared that his back was also out of alignment. God touched his body and all the pain left his head, back and knee immediately.

An 80yr old woman, not a Christian, but brought to the church that morning for prayer, had many medical problem. Constant dizziness for several years, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, circulatory system problems that inhibited healing in her legs and feet, plus many other problems… As we prayed, God took away all dizziness for the first time in years and she felt a tingling all over her body and heat in her legs. This was the first time she had ever received prayer. I explained that the things she was feeling were from a God that loved her and wanted to heal her. I then asked her if she would like to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ and that all her sins could be forgiven and she could live the rest of her life as a daughter of God. She very emotionally said “Yes - I want that!”. Claudia then lead her in a prayer of repentance and the older woman gave her life to Christ. As she finished her prayer, she broke down sobbing. I asked what she was feeling and she said that it felt as if Jesus came right inside her heart and she was so happy she couldn't stop crying, and she said she had such peace now.


Another elderly woman with eye problems came for prayer. She had pain and blurred vision in her right eye, and the doctor said that she had quite a lot of pressure in her eye. She was unable to open her right eye normally, it would only open about 1/3 of normal. As we prayed, she said all the pain went away and as she kept opening and closing her eye, it was opening wider and wider each time. By the time we finished, the Lord was still touching her and her eye was opening about 4/5 normal. By the time they were leaving the church that day, both of her eyes worked completely.

The man that we prayed for the previous Wednesday night with the malformed hip sockets, short leg and back curvature gave testimony on Sunday morning about what the Lord had done for him Wednesday night and through the rest of the week. He testified that he had not needed to take any more pain medication since receiving prayer, his hips and legs were getting stronger every day and he wasn't using his cane as much. He and his wife were so happy, especially since they had a new baby on the way and he was scheduled for reconstructive surgery in May of this year!

Many people with various back problems were healed. No more pain and restored mobility. Lots of arms and legs grown out.

A young boy, in the pictures above, came forward for prayer. His right eye would not move in tandem with his left eye, it was locked into one position, cross-eyed. He was scheduled to have eye surgery to have it repaired. He was weeping as he came for prayer. After praying for him, both eyes were functioning normally as he was looking around. He told Dave through his interpreter that it felt like “someone gave me a new eye”. This was one of the first miracles of this nature we have seen.

A young girl, about 15yr old, healed of intestinal inflammation.


We had a wonderful time as we saw God move over and over again and touch people's bodies, souls and spirits. We can not help but look forward to the time (soon) when we will be taking teams of people to experience the things that we have been experiencing for several years now.

With all our love,
Dave & Mikki Jones


Video Highlights







Sharing the Good News - Equipping the Saints - Strengthening Pastors