Mexico City March 2005





Called into ministry – 90
Rededications – 88
Salvations – 214
Inner Healings and Deliverances – 208
Physical Healings – 1542

Of these:
Blind or legally blind now seeing better than 80%--7
Deaf or mostly deaf ears now open and hearing – 9
Tumors or cysts disappearing before our eyes! – 6
Those who could not walk now walking -- 3






On Sunday morning (March 20, 2005) I preached in a small church of about 200 people. The pictures above show me preaching to the congregation and with the pastors (Manuel and Claudia). The congregation was very hungry for God and it was an easy place to see miracles. Eighteen (18) people were healed just during the preaching time without the laying on of hands. It happened just through words of knowledge. I was led to have an impartation time during the message for anyone that would like to minister healing to the sick and over half of the congregation came forward for the impartation time . The young people of the church were very passionate for God. It was a joy to be there.











This is the team of people I had the joy of ministering with in Mexico City. We were a very unified team and each member of the team has some incredible testimonies of what God did.


















God gave us opportunities to minister to the young and the old. We prayed for people for many different things from physical and  emotional needs to deliverance.










God healed this man's back when I prayed for him one night. The next day I saw him and asked him how his back was and he said it had been good until he got up that morning. We prayed again for it to be healed and for some kind of fatty buildup very close to his back problem to dissolve. His pain went away permanently and his wife came over to feel his back and her eyes lit up as she could no longer find the fatty buildup on his back. God is so good.









This woman, named Natisha, came up for prayer for diabetes. She had been diagnosed with it 6 years ago and had begun having problems seeing this last year as a result of it. We prayed for a few minutes and saw no results until, through interviewing her, we discoved it was generational. Once we broke the power of that generational curse her eyes immediately cleared up and she could see much better. Her whole countenance changed as this miracle took place. She began bringing other people to us to be prayed for that night.









This man came up for prayer because he has had manic depression since he was 5-6 years old. Upon interviewing him a little more we discovered that his father also had the same problem. We prayed for him and broke that generational spirit over his life and asked God to heal him. It was so exciting the next evening to hear him talk as he came to the mic during the testimony time and share that he had just had the best day of his life and that he felt wonderful. Praise God!

Various Interpreters: The following pictures are of the people that I was priviledged to have as interpreters. They were all very good and they were a great blessing to me as I prayed for the sick.






Pepe was the gentlman that picked me up at the airport when I arrived in Mexico City. I was finally through customs at about 11:30 PM. What a blessing to have him pick me up. Lucero was my first interpreter in Mexico City. She and her husband Juan Jose are the pastors of the church that sponsered our event in Mexico City.






Deyanira was my interpreter a number of times and functions in the word of knowledge. What a blessing she was! Lucy is the daughter of Pastor Juan Jose and Lucero Aguilar. She only speaks spanish, english , portuguese, and is studying hebrew. I am still trying to master english!






Alberto did a great job of finding out people's names and what they wanted prayer for. Tania was very fluent in english probably because she had spent a couple years in the US going to school.